Income Assistance in Alberta

Basic Trends and Data Issues

Income Assistance in Alberta

Basic Trends and Data Issues

In this post we :

    1. give a(nother) demonstration of developing customizable functions for exploring data with ggplot2 graphs
    1. take a look at the trends of providing income support to people with disabilities in the province of Alberta, Canada.

This report explores data on Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) taken from the portal. Please inspect 01-basic-trends report to view the application of this function. Refer to for the full context and scripts.


In this post we will work through creating a function to create the following graph, in which one would be able to customize the type of measure in focus:

draw_trends <- function(d, selected_measure_type){ 
  target_date <-as.Date("2020-04-15")
  d %>% 
    filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>%  
    ggplot( ., aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
    geom_line(size=4, alpha = .1, color = "black" )+   # new
    geom_line(size=.5)+                                # new
      x      = target_date
      ,shape = 21, fill = NA,size = 2, color = "black" # new
      ,data  = . %>% filter(date == target_date))+    
    facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")+
        title    = paste0("AISH Caseload by ", selected_measure_type)
        ,color   = "Metric"
        ,x       = "Date"
        ,y       = "Number of cases"
        ,caption = "Temporal resolution: 1 month"
ds1 %>% draw_trends(selected_measure_type = "Family Composition")


The data for this exercise is taken from the portal, provided by the Ministry of Community and Social Services of Alberta. We focus on caseload counts of the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH). For reproducibility, a copy of the data access in April 2021 has been stored in a dedicated repository

NOTE: This section is aimed at individuals interested in concrete examples of data grooming. If you are more interested in graphing and analysis, please feel free to skim or to skip.

path_file <- ""
ds0 <- readr::read_csv(path_file) %>% janitor::clean_names()

The data set comes in well groomed and has the following form:

ds0 %>% glimpse()
Rows: 2,241
Columns: 5
$ ref_date     <chr> "2008/04", "2008/04", "2008/04", "2008/04", "2008/04", "2008/05", "2008/05...
$ geography    <chr> "Alberta", "Alberta", "Alberta", "Alberta", "Alberta", "Alberta", "Alberta...
$ measure_type <chr> "Family Composition", "Family Composition", "Family Composition", "Family ...
$ measure      <chr> "Single Total", "Single Parent Total", "Childless Couples Total", "Couples...
$ value        <dbl> 32948, 1836, 1421, 700, 36905, 33039, 1832, 1424, 702, 36997, 33075, 1849,...
ds0 %>% slice(1:10) 
# A tibble: 10 x 5
   ref_date geography measure_type       measure                     value
   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>              <chr>                       <dbl>
 1 2008/04  Alberta   Family Composition Single Total                32948
 2 2008/04  Alberta   Family Composition Single Parent Total          1836
 3 2008/04  Alberta   Family Composition Childless Couples Total      1421
 4 2008/04  Alberta   Family Composition Couples with Children Total   700
 5 2008/04  Alberta   Family Composition All Types Total             36905
 6 2008/05  Alberta   Family Composition Single Total                33039
 7 2008/05  Alberta   Family Composition Single Parent Total          1832
 8 2008/05  Alberta   Family Composition Childless Couples Total      1424
 9 2008/05  Alberta   Family Composition Couples with Children Total   702
10 2008/05  Alberta   Family Composition All Types Total             36997

The only apparent tweak needed is conversion of the ref_date variable to date, so it’s easier to handle in graphs.

ds1 <- ds0 %>%
    date = parse_date_time(ref_date,"Y%m%") %>% as_date() + 14 # middle of the month

Each of the 7 distinct values of measure_type has its own set of measures

ds0 %>% distinct(geography, measure_type, measure) %>% arrange(measure_type) %>% neat()
geography measure_type measure
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 18 - 19
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 20 - 24
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 25 - 29
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 30 - 34
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 35 - 39
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 40 - 44
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 45 - 49
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 50 - 54
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 55 - 59
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 60 - 64
Alberta AISH Client Average Age Age 65 +
Alberta AISH Client Average Age All Ages Total
Alberta AISH Client Caseload Straight AISH
Alberta AISH Client Caseload Modified AISH
Alberta AISH Client Caseload Com. Residence
Alberta AISH Client Caseload Client Caseload Total
Alberta AISH Client Gender Female
Alberta AISH Client Gender Male
Alberta AISH Client Gender All Gender Total
Alberta AISH Client Income Type Snapshots Employment Participation
Alberta AISH Client Income Type Snapshots CPP(D) income
Alberta AISH Client Primary Medical Condition Physical Disabilities
Alberta AISH Client Primary Medical Condition Mental Illness Disorders
Alberta AISH Client Primary Medical Condition Cognitive Disorders
Alberta AISH Client Primary Medical Condition Unknown
Alberta AISH Client Primary Medical Condition All Primary Medical Total
Alberta CSS Regions Calgary
Alberta CSS Regions Central
Alberta CSS Regions Edmonton
Alberta CSS Regions North Central
Alberta CSS Regions North East
Alberta CSS Regions North West
Alberta CSS Regions South
Alberta CSS Regions All Regions Total
Alberta Family Composition Single Total
Alberta Family Composition Single Parent Total
Alberta Family Composition Childless Couples Total
Alberta Family Composition Couples with Children Total
Alberta Family Composition All Types Total

so it does not make sense to convert measure to a factor


Our goal in this report is to examine longitudinal trends in each measure_type. However, we would like to do it as efficiently as possible, that is with the minimum number of lines of code. To understand our challenge better, let’s try out some basic graphs that should help us scope the parameters of functionalization.

ds1 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+

Not a terrifically useful graph to study the patterns, but it is quite helpful in making the following observations about the data:

  1. Some trends run longer than others, so we need x axis to be flexible

  2. The scale of values range from ~70,000 to 100 so, including them on the same canvas will cause problems for interpretation

Let’s see if we can address some of these issues by spreading measure_type across facets:

ds1 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
  facet_wrap(facets = "measure_type") # new

This helps, especially if we allow the axes to adjust to the available data in each facet:

ds1 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
  facet_wrap(facets = "measure_type", scales = "free") # new

Remaining problems:

  1. There are too many values of measure: it makes no sense to represent them with individual colors

  2. The scales are still vary drastically within each facet (i.e. each measure_type), making patterns on smaller scale illegible

It does not look like we’ll be able to fit everything onto the same graph, so let’s consider a system that deals with each level of measure_type individually. Let’s take Family Composition as a guinea pig:

ds1 %>% 
  filter(measure_type == "Family Composition") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+

It looks like of the of the measures is actually a sum of all others. Let’s verify this:

given_month <- as.Date("2020-01-15") # any time point, really
ds1 %>% 
  filter(measure_type == "Family Composition") %>% 
  filter(date == given_month) 
# A tibble: 5 x 6
  ref_date geography measure_type       measure                     value date      
  <chr>    <chr>     <chr>              <chr>                       <dbl> <date>    
1 2020/01  Alberta   Family Composition Single Total                58935 2020-01-15
2 2020/01  Alberta   Family Composition Single Parent Total          4117 2020-01-15
3 2020/01  Alberta   Family Composition Childless Couples Total      3423 2020-01-15
4 2020/01  Alberta   Family Composition Couples with Children Total  1880 2020-01-15
5 2020/01  Alberta   Family Composition All Types Total             68355 2020-01-15
ds1 %>% 
  filter(measure_type == "Family Composition") %>% 
  filter(date == given_month) %>% 
  filter(!measure == "All Types Total") %>% 
  summarize(sum_without_all_types_total = sum(value))
# A tibble: 1 x 1
1                       68355

Yes, it is. But even if it were stored in a separate column (which would present other difficulties), we still would have the outlier Single Total, which dwarfs other trend lines, making them ineligible. If the goal of the visualization is to understand the shape of the longitudinal patterns (as it is, in this case), we should view each line on its own, with scale adjustments that optimize the display of information:

ds1 %>% 
  filter(measure_type == "Family Composition") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
  facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")

Yes, that’s what we want: the shape of each trend is clearly visible, regardless of the scale on which the values are recorded.

It appears that what we need is to build such display for each level of measure_type

Essential Automation

Now that we have articulated our technical objective

Create a graph for each level of measure_type with a single value of measure on each facet

we can proceed to implementing the automation.

Yes, we can simply copy-paste the code and replace Family Composition with another level, for example:

ds1 %>% 
  filter(measure_type == "AISH Client Primary Medical Condition") %>%  # new
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
  facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")

and, in certain cases, this would be advisable: for example, when there are just a handful of levels to go through and adjusting the display of each is hard to generalize. In our case, however, we’d like to take advantage of this relatively simple scenario to go through the process of developing graphing functions.

Let’s start by creating the simplest possible function without any movable parts:

draw_trends <- function(d){
  d %>% 
    filter(measure_type == "Family Composition") %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
    facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")
ds1 %>% draw_trends()

The first argument ( according to tidyverse convention ) should always be the object containing the data (e.g. vector, tibble, list). Notice that all decisions about what the graph would look like are hard-coded within the function. This is very inefficient, but a good start. Next, let’s adjust the function so that we can pass different level of measure_type

draw_trends <- function(d, selected_measure_type){     # new
  d %>% 
    filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>%  # new
    ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
    facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")
ds1 %>% draw_trends(selected_measure_type = "AISH Client Caseload")

With respect to the essential utility of our graphing function, we are done: you can pass any of the values of measure_type

ds1 %>% distinct(measure_type)
# A tibble: 7 x 1
1 Family Composition                   
2 AISH Client Caseload                 
3 AISH Client Primary Medical Condition
4 AISH Client Average Age              
5 AISH Client Income Type Snapshots    
6 AISH Client Gender                   
7 CSS Regions                          

to the selected_measure_type argument of the draw_trends function to create a display of the desired focus. However, there are some enhancement that would be quite useful to have (e.g. title, labels, data highlights), which may be a trickier to accomplish in a function compared to regular ggplot2 script. We turn to them next.

Enhanced Automation

Let’s take care of the enhancement that do not require much finesse:

draw_trends <- function(d, selected_measure_type){     
  d %>% 
    filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>%  
    ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
    facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")+
    labs(                                                              # new
        title    = paste0("AISH Caseload by ", selected_measure_type)  # new
        ,color   = "Metric"                                            # new
        ,x       = "Date"                                              # new
        ,y       = "Number of cases"                                   # new
        ,caption = "Temporal resolution: 1 month"                      # new
ds1 %>% draw_trends(selected_measure_type = "Family Composition")

These options will apply equally to all conditions, except for title, which we can assembled with a common prefex AISH Caseload by and the value of the argument selected_measure_type.

As you have probably noticed, there is some anomaly in the early 2020, visible in Childless Couples Total and Couples with Children Total. In fact, this anomaly ( probably related to the onset of COVID-19 pandemic) is present in other measure_types, so it would help us if we could highlight that particular month in each trajectory. Let’s do it with a hollow circle:

draw_trends <- function(d, selected_measure_type){     
  d %>% 
    filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>%  
    ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
    # start new
      x      = as.Date("2020-04-15")
      ,shape = 21
    # end new
    facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")+
    labs(title = paste0("AISH Caseload by ", selected_measure_type))
    # we'll omit other lab() options to have less to read during development
ds1 %>% draw_trends(selected_measure_type = "Family Composition")

We just printed the circles for ALL rows for this data, regardless of the measure_type and measure, so we must filter the data that is passed to this specific geom:

draw_trends <- function(d, selected_measure_type){     
  d %>% 
    filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>%  
    ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
      x      = as.Date("2020-04-15")
      ,shape = 21
      ,color = "black"                                     # new
      ,data  = d %>%                                       # new
        filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>%  # new
        filter(date == as.Date("2020-04-15"))              # new
    facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")+
    labs(title = paste0("AISH Caseload by ", selected_measure_type))
ds1 %>% draw_trends(selected_measure_type = "Family Composition")

Notice, that we must repeat the filter applied to data prior to passing it to ggplot function. It’s not a big deal, but if more elaborate transformation are needed within the graphing function, we are best to use the {} solution, available past ggplot2 3.0.0, which we described elsewhere (see DSS Power Tips - November 2020):

draw_trends <- function(d, selected_measure_type){ 
  d %>% 
    filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>%  
    { # new ! notice the dot below the exclamation mark
    ggplot( ., aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
      x      = as.Date("2020-04-15")
      ,shape = 21
      ,color = "black"                                     
      ,data  = . %>% # new 
        # filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>% # no longer needed
        filter(date == as.Date("2020-04-15"))               
    facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")+
    labs(title = paste0("AISH Caseload by ", selected_measure_type))
    } # new
ds1 %>% draw_trends(selected_measure_type = "Family Composition")

The date of interests is a hard-coded (twice!), so let’s pull it out into a common area, which would help us turn it into another movable part of the graphing function (if we choose to do so):

draw_trends <- function(d, selected_measure_type){ 
  target_date <-as.Date("2020-04-15")
  d %>% 
    filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>%  
    ggplot( ., aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
      x      = target_date            # new
      ,shape = 21
      ,color = "black"                                     
      ,data  = . %>% 
        filter(date == target_date)  # new             
    facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")+
    labs(title = paste0("AISH Caseload by ", selected_measure_type))

Finally, let’s add some aesthetic enhancements to make the graphs a bit more visually appealing and patterns more discernible:

draw_trends <- function(d, selected_measure_type){ 
  target_date <-as.Date("2020-04-15")
  d %>% 
    filter(measure_type == selected_measure_type) %>%  
    ggplot( ., aes(x = date, y = value, color = measure))+
    geom_line(size=4, alpha = .1, color = "black" )+   # new
    geom_line(size=.5)+                                # new
      x      = target_date
      ,shape = 21, fill = NA,size = 2, color = "black" # new
      ,data  = . %>% filter(date == target_date))+    
    facet_wrap(facets = "measure", scales = "free")+
        title    = paste0("AISH Caseload by ", selected_measure_type)
        ,color   = "Metric"
        ,x       = "Date"
        ,y       = "Number of cases"
        ,caption = "Temporal resolution: 1 month"
ds1 %>% draw_trends(selected_measure_type = "Family Composition")


We are now ready to cycle through the levels of measure_type, creating a faceted graph for each. Please inspect 01-basic-trends report to view the application of this function. Refer to for the full context and scripts.

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